Sunday 21 August 2011

What the last 40 years has taught me. Part One

  • I'm glad I have the parents that I have, they're not perfect (who is?), but they did the best they could with what they knew at the time. And along the way they gave me some great pearls of wisdom.
  • that I've made plenty of mistakes, made bad choices, and basically made a fool of myself too many times to count...but somehow I love myself now more than ever before. Not the superficial love that goes hand in hand with looking in the mirror, but the deeper, quieter, contented-with-life love.
  • that the most important people in my life are my family, so these relationships need to be nurtured and cared for, every day.
  • in my childhood I thought mostly of horses, in my teenage years I thought mostly about how to 'fit in', in my 20's I thought mostly of myself, in my 30's I started to seriously think of others, and in my 40's I can't go a day without sending some form of love out into the word. Thriving comes from thinking of others, it fills you up like nothing else.
  • Laughing at myself is really fun!


  1. I remember you from saturdays spent at pony club. You were a special person even back then. Its great to see someone with such inner peace. I've never found it and am resigned to not seeing any time soon. Makes me jealous in a way. I wish you well.. Adam

  2. I remember taking you by plane from NZ to Sydney when you were 4 years old

  3. Is your Dad Charlie still around. Catrina.

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